12 Facts About Soy Milk You Should Know

Facts About Soy

Soy milk has become an extremely popular plant-based milk alternative. Once seen as a niche health food product, soy milk today has made its way into mainstream supermarkets and cafes.

But what exactly is soy milk? And what makes it a worthwhile substitute for cow’s milk for many people?

This article will highlight 12 fascinating facts about soy milk – from its history and nutritional benefits to how it stacks up against other non-dairy milks.

Read on to uncover why more and more people are making the switch to soy!

Facts About Soy Milk

Photo Of Sliced Tofu On Bowl
  1. Soy milk originated in China way back in 82 AD. A Chinese text mentions a soy milk-like product that was prescribed for those recovering from illness.
  2. It’s naturally lactose-free. Soy milk contains no lactose, making it safe for people with lactose intolerance. This is one of the main reasons for its increasing popularity.
  3. It contains almost as much protein as cow’s milk. An 8-ounce glass of soy milk provides around 7 to 12 grams of protein. Cow’s milk has about 8 grams per 8-ounce serving.
  4. Soy milk may help lower cholesterol. Several studies link soy milk consumption to decreased LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels for people with high cholesterol.
  5. Many brands are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Popular fortified nutrients include vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin A, making it nutritionally comparable to cow’s milk.
  6. It’s naturally low in saturated fat. Unlike whole cow’s milk containing saturated fat, soy milk derived its fat content from heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.
  7. Soy contains isoflavones. These unique compounds function as phytoestrogens that may offer anti-cancer effects. More research is underway.
  8. It’s affordable and widely accessible. Soy milk is roughly the same price as skim cow’s milk and can be found in any major grocery store or coffee chain.
  9. Many varieties are shelf-stable. Shelf-stable soy milk does not require refrigeration until opening, making it convenient for travel, packing lunches, and storage.
  10. It’s environmentally friendly. Soy milk generates far fewer greenhouse gases and uses significantly less land and water compared to dairy milk production.
  11. You can make homemade soy milk easily. All it takes is dried soybeans, water, oil, and a blender to produce soy milk at home for a fraction of store-bought pricing.
  12. Most soy milks work similarly to cow’s milk. Thanks to improved flavor and texture, soy milk can be used in recipes and beverages calling for regular milk without sacrificing taste.

In Conclusion

With its low cost, health perks, environmental benefits, and lactose-free versatility, soy milk makes an excellent plant-based addition to anyone’s diet.

Soy Milk


1. What is soy milk?

Soy milk, also known as soya milk, is a plant-based drink made by soaking and grinding soybeans, boiling the mixture, and filtering out remaining particulates. It is often used as a substitute for dairy milk by individuals who are vegan or lactose intolerant.

2. How is soy milk used in different cuisines?

Soy milk is used in various cuisines to make sweet or savory beverages, as well as in dishes such as pancakes, smoothies, bread, mayonnaise, and baked goods. In East Asian cuisines, it is a common breakfast beverage and is used to make dishes like yuba and kongguksu.

3. What are the nutritional benefits of soy milk?

Soy milk is a good source of protein, providing essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium. It is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

4. What are the ecological effects of soy milk production?

Using soybeans to make milk instead of raising cows is ecologically advantageous due to lower greenhouse gas emissions and the ability of legumes to replenish the nitrogen content of the soil. However, the cultivation of soybeans can also contribute to deforestation and environmental harm.

5. How does soy milk compare to other plant-based milks?

Soy milk is one of the most consumed plant milks globally and provides a good alternative to cow’s milk. It has a comparable nutritional profile to cow’s milk and offers a sustainable option with lower environmental impact compared to some other plant-based milks.

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