10 Amazing Facts About Plant Milk

fact about plant milk


Plant-based milks have exploded in popularity in recent years. With so many varieties to choose from like soy, almond, oat, and coconut, plant milks offer a tasty and nutritious alternative to dairy milk. If you’re curious about the world of plant-based milk, you’re in the right place.

This article will explore 10 fascinating facts about these creamy non-dairy beverages. From their impressive environmental benefits to their versatility in recipes, you’ll learn something new about your favorite milk alternatives. Whether you’re a devoted plant milk drinker or looking to make the switch from dairy, read on to uncover why plant power is taking over the milk aisle.

Bottles with different plant milk
Bottles with different plant milk

1. There’s a Huge Variety of Plant Milks Available

The plant milk options seem endless these days. Some of the most common varieties include:

  • Almond milk
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Oat milk
  • Cashew milk
  • Rice milk
  • Hemp milk

But the list doesn’t stop there. You can also find plant milk made from peas, flax seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and more. The variety allows consumers to choose the perfect plant milk to suit their nutritional needs and personal tastes.

2. They’re Naturally Lactose-Free

One of the biggest reasons people switch to plant milk is because they’re naturally lactose-free. Lactose intolerance affects 75% of the world’s population1, causing uncomfortable digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, and cramps after consuming dairy. With plant milk, you can enjoy the creaminess of milk without the lactose.

3. Most Are Lower in Calories Than Dairy Milk

On average, unsweetened plant milk contains fewer calories per cup compared to 2% dairy milk. For example:

  • 2% dairy milk: 122 calories per cup2
  • Unsweetened almond milk: 37 calories per cup
  • Unsweetened soy milk: 80 calories per cup
  • Unsweetened coconut milk: 45 calories per cup

Lower calorie options can help with weight management. Just be sure to check the label, as some flavored and sweetened varieties contain added sugar and are higher in calories.

4. They’re Packed with Key Nutrients

Almond nuts on a wooden handmade plate and vegetarian plant milk
Almond nuts on a wooden handmade plate and vegetarian plant milk

Though the nutritional profile varies by plant milk type, many contain beneficial nutrients like:

  • Protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B12 (for fortified options)

Some plant milks are fortified to have a nutritional profile similar to dairy milk. Opt for fortified versions if you want to match the vitamin and mineral content.

5. Environmentally Friendly Compared to Dairy

The production of dairy milk generates more greenhouse gases compared to plant-based alternatives. For example, one study found oat milk requires 80% less land and emits 70% fewer emissions than dairy milk3. By choosing plant milk over dairy, you can reduce your carbon footprint.

6. Long Shelf Life When Unopened

Unopened, most plant milk have an impressive shelf life of 6 months to 1 year4. Once opened, they should be stored in the fridge and used within 7-10 days. The exception is canned coconut milk, which can last 2-5 years unopened thanks to the canning process that kills bacteria.

7. Baristas Love Using Plant Milk

plant milk

Coffee shops have embraced plant milks not just for lactose-free customers, but because they steam and froth beautifully. Oat milk in particular creates a smooth, creamy foam that makes stunning latte art. Some cafes even use homemade plant milk blends to create signature coffee drinks.

8. Easy to Make Your Own

Want total control over the ingredients? It’s simple to make plant milk at home using just water, nuts or grains, and a blender. Homemade almond milk or oat milk takes just minutes to prepare. You can also customize the flavors with vanilla, cocoa, or spices like cinnamon.

9. Works Great in Smoothies

Plant milk makes healthy, creamy smoothies. Beyond breakfast smoothies, they work well in green smoothies packed with leafy greens and superfoods. Nut milk adds protein and healthy fats to keep you full. For lower calories, try blending up a fruit smoothie with coconut water instead of coconut milk.

10. Kid-Friendly Plant Milk Options Available

For plant-based families, plant milk provides a familiar option the kids will love. Many brands offer kid-friendly options fortified with vitamins and minerals for growing bodies. Look for chocolate and vanilla-flavored milk made with organic ingredients and low sugar.



What are the most common varieties of plant milk?

Some of the most popular plant milk options include almond, soy, coconut, oat, cashew, and rice milk. However, there are many others made from ingredients like peas, flax seeds, and various nuts.

Why do people prefer plant milk over dairy milk?

Many people switch to plant milk due to lactose intolerance since plant milk is naturally lactose-free. Additionally, unsweetened varieties generally contain fewer calories, and their production is more environmentally friendly compared to dairy milk.

How long can I store unopened plant milk?

Most unopened plant milks have a shelf life of 6 months to 1 year. It’s essential to store them in a cool and dry place and once opened, they should be kept in the refrigerator and used within 7-10 days.

Can I use plant milk in my coffee or smoothies?

Yes! Plant milk is popular in coffee shops for its ability to steam and froth well, especially oat milk. They’re also great for making creamy smoothies, with some milk providing protein and healthy fats.

Is homemade plant milk a viable option?

Absolutely. Making your plant milk at home is simple. All you need is water, nuts or grains, and a blender. This allows you to customize flavors and control the ingredients used.

Coconut vegan milk
Coconut vegan milk


With this wide range of plant-based milk options, there’s something for everyone. Plant milk are lactose-free, nutritious, better for the environment, and work great in recipes. By switching from dairy to plant milk, you can improve your health, reduce your carbon footprint, and discover new milk flavors you love. The next time you’re at the store, why not give oat, almond, or coconut milk a try? Your body and the planet will thank you.

  1. niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases []
  2. 2% Milk https://www.menshealth.com []
  3. Dairy vs. plant-based milk ourworldindata.org []
  4. ALL ABOUT SHELF-STABLE https://silk.com/ []

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